Day: July 21, 2020

What’s the Safe CBD Oil Dosage for Dogs?What’s the Safe CBD Oil Dosage for Dogs?

CBD (cannabidiol) is steadily gaining reputation among people interested in improving their health and wellness because of its reported effectiveness in the treatment of a wide variety of medical conditions, including pain and inflammation to seizures, anxiety and sleep problems. Given these benefits, CBD products have also been created for other uses including those for pets.

CBD products for dogs – whether oil or in a treat – have been said to help as well with some of their issues like pain and anxiety, although more studies need to be done to provide scientific backing to its effectiveness.

The first question that will come to mind is: Is CBD oil safe for dogs?

CBD oil is generally safe for dogs and is well-tolerated, even in large doses. CBD oil may contain small amounts of THC because it’s present in the hemp plant, but not more than 0.3% THC when produced as compliant with legal federal requirements.

Research suggests that any side effects that occur with CBD use are likely only the result of drug interactions between CBD and other medications. And like any medication or supplement, it may carry potential risk of reaction, so it is important to try with small doses first and monitor how your dog reacts to it.

Basic CBD oil dosage for dogs: The CBD oil dosing for dogs/pets is at 0.25 mg (at regular dose) to 0.5 mg (at a strong dose) of CBD per 1 pound of your dog’s bodyweight.

You can do this simple computation by taking into consideration the concentration of the CBD oil and your dog’s weight, in order to know the appropriate dosage. It is recommended that people use veterinary-specific CBD oil/products to ensure that the concentration is appropriate for animals.

Regular dose is applied for daily health and wellness, boost immune function, old age, allergies, minor skin conditions, stimulate appetite, minor stress & anxiety, digestive issues & nausea, moderate arthritis & joint inflammation, minor aches, and pains.

On the other hand, a strong dose is applied for dealing with chronic pain, severe arthritis & joint inflammation, mobility issues, epileptic seizures, cancer-related symptoms, tumors, severe anxiety, extreme nausea, and vomiting.

Doses may be given to your pet at a frequency depending on the usage:

  • For regular use: 1-2 times a day
  • For pain and inflammation: every 8 hrs or as needed
  • For anxiety: 30 mins before triggering event (eg. thunderstorm, fireworks, leaving the home, separation, traveling).